Create a zine related to women and rock music. Think of it as a special issue of a magazine that touches on things such as challenges women faced in rock’n’roll/rock history.

Summary: For this assignment, create a zine related to women and rock music. Think of it as a special issue of a magazine that touches on things such as challenges women faced in rocknroll/rock history, significant contributions made to rock by women, how race and sexuality influence participation etc.

Rather than simply summarize all of the issues we discussed, narrow your focus to one topic in order to discuss the topic in a meaningful manner. If youre unsure of your overall theme email Dr. Taylor for guidance.

You can design your zine using computer art, graphics, hand drawn images and
illustrations, and/or collages of images you have collected from other sources. Your zine should be thoughtful, engaging, and interesting to look at. Do not be afraid to get

1. You will create your zine digitally and submit it as a PDF

i. Your zine should be 9 pages, including the front cover

ii. Make sure your colour choices do not obscure the text or images

2. Your zine should consist of the following elements:

i. Front cover should include a title, your name, and course code

ii. Letter from the Editor
This should serve as an introduction and summarize the main
theme and content of your zine
Your letter should immediately follow the front cover and be
approximately 300 words

iii. Artist Spotlight
Choose an artist we have NOT discussed in lecture that relates to your theme and describe their work/contributions
 Refer to the YouTube playlist to review who we have covered.
1 page, typed, and single spaced
The spotlight can come anywhere between your Letter and Closing Remarks
Your entire zine does not have to revolve around this artist.
Feel free to incorporate other women we have discussed in class on other pages of your zine.

iv. The next 4 pages may consist of the following elements, or any other creative idea you might have (with the exception of crossword puzzles).
These are only suggestions and can be adapted to fit your theme.
Top 10 list (ie. top 10 favourites, grievances, or important moments in music history)
Statistics related to your theme
Advice Column with resources
Historical timelines related to your theme
Music Review
Critiques of images from other publications
Helpful Hints: Share resources you have found that relate to your theme

Create a zine related to women and rock music. Think of it as a special issue of a magazine that touches on things such as challenges women faced in rock’n’roll/rock history.
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