Analyze the human factor of lack of teamwork in relation to patient safety and inter professional interactions.Apply relevant literature and the ideas and knowledge discussed in the lectures and activities during IPE week to the chosen aspect.

Critically discuss lack of teamwork as a human factor known to impact on inter professional collaboration and service user safety.

You will be analyzing the human factor of lack of teamwork in relation to patient safety and inter professional interactions.

A successful analysis should:

Highlight the key issues

Demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding.

Relate the theory to practice i.e. apply relevant literature and the ideas and knowledge discussed in the lectures and activities during IPE week to the chosen aspect.

Will propose perceptive insights into relevant aspects and offer judgements on the quality of evidence

Will use an extensive number of sources to support argument discussion of only lack of teamwork and how other factors like communication, hierarchy, stereotype impact it.

to be written in 3rd person


Analyze the human factor of lack of teamwork in relation to patient safety and inter professional interactions.Apply relevant literature and the ideas and knowledge discussed in the lectures and activities during IPE week to the chosen aspect.
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