Create at least 1 healthy meal using Plate. Select a planning model to guide the development of the intervention, and explain your choice.

The intervention activities must be linked to your impact or outcome objectives which is:

Impact Objective (Learning): Following attendance of 2 nutrition education classes, 55% of participants will be able to create at least 1 healthy meal using Plate.

Impact Objective (Behavioral): Participants will have a 12% increase in fruit and vegetable consumption.

Impact Objective (Environmental): Increase the number of free nutrition education classes offered to LA county residents.

Outcome Objective: Decrease average A1C of Latinos with diabetes in LA county .

You have to Select a planning model to guide the development of the intervention, and explain your choice.

The model you select should emphasize the processes that are most relevant to your health topic and population (e.g., needs assessment, implementation, evaluation) and fits the needs of your stakeholders (e.g., health agencies, planners, “consumers”). (1-2 paragraphs) .

These are 3 intervention that chose:
Intervention Activity #1- Nutrition education workshop
Intervention Activity #2- Health screening event where participants have their blood drawn (A1C), BMI/weight
Intervention Activity #3-Physical Activity Workshop (focus on at-home exercises)


Create at least 1 healthy meal using Plate. Select a planning model to guide the development of the intervention, and explain your choice.
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