Why is it such a popular belief that Christians hate homosexuals simply because they disagree with their lifestyle? Should we as Christians befriend those that participate in the homosexual lifestyle?


Christians are often painted as being prejudiced and out of touch for their beliefs. Is there a way to speak truth about homosexuality without being perceived as hateful or homophobic?

Why is it such a popular belief that Christians hate homosexuals simply because they disagree with their lifestyle?

If you had to simplify your argument in support of biblical marriage into a few sentences, what would they be?

How do you share the Gospel with your gay friend?

How do you respond to someone who says they were born a homosexual?

Should we as Christians befriend those that participate in the homosexual lifestyle?

As a Christian, should you attend a same-sex marriage ceremony?

Where does it say in the Bible that homosexuality is a sin?

What is wrong with two people of the same gender loving one another?

How can Christians/Body of Christ truly represent Christ to a homosexual?

Is there really hope for the homosexual to change?

Can a homosexual really change?




Why is it such a popular belief that Christians hate homosexuals simply because they disagree with their lifestyle? Should we as Christians befriend those that participate in the homosexual lifestyle?
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