Discuss about the major government actors that influence the environmental law landscape in the US. Write about how they influence the environmental law landscape and also about their major successes and failures.

This paper is for an environmental law semester final. Has to be a detailed paper on environmental law in the US. Be sure to include:

History and background ;(background of environmental issues in the US and the birth of environmental regulations and environmental law.)

Key environmental laws and regulations ; talk about major significant environmental laws introduced (for example- clean air act, clean water act) and how they have shaped the US environmental law landscape

Landmark cases ;Give brief overviews about landmark environmental law court cases and add analysis about how they have shaped the environmental law landscape in the US

Major government actors ;Introduce and talk about the major government actors that influence the environmental law landscape in the US. Write about how they influence the environmental law landscape and also about their major successes and failures.

Major private actors ;Introduce and talk about the major government actors that influence the environmental law landscape in the US. Write about how they influence the environmental law landscape and also about their major successes and failures.

What good about the way the US handles environmental laws?

What DOES NOT work with the way the US handles environmental laws?

Where is environmental law headed in the US – (talk about any major upcoming bills, will the current system work in the future with increasing environmental issues and climate change?

How can you improve the environmental law landscape in the US so that it is fit for the environmental challenges we are about to face in the future?)

Note that these are just my thoughts and guidelines on how to frame the paper and are basic requirements. You can and should include other relevant information to environmental law in the US. It is important that you include detail and analysis in the paper in addition to presenting facts.

Discuss about the major government actors that influence the environmental law landscape in the US. Write about how they influence the environmental law landscape and also about their major successes and failures.
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