Who are the actors who play a role in blockchain governance? What kinds of decisions are made by people involved in these systems?

Subject: Financial Technology (FinTech), Digital Banking and Blockchain

Task: Write an essay of 2,000 words in length (bibliography and references not included) in response to the assignment outlined below. Your essay must be

a) properly referenced (i.e. use quotation marks unless paraphrasing together with intext citations in authordate format, and full references at the end of the assignment document), and
b) should present clear discernible arguments that flow from your discussion/analysis of the topic.

Context: Consider the following issues how can digital innovations and technologies (such as APIs, Distributed Ledgers, etc.), which were developed to address a variety of issues and create opportunities for organizations to organize or reimagine their economic activity?

How can they have an impact on a firm’s business model and performance? One of the key themes that emerged was the role of governance on building a platform and/or infrastructure to facilitate economic activity.

Start the paper by insights from Zachariadis et al. (2019) referenced below, on blockchain governance and extending your reading to other relevant papers and resources answer each of the following questions:

1) What does it mean to govern a blockchain?
2) Who are the actors who play a role in blockchain governance? Does it differ from
blockchain to blockchain?
3) Why is blockchain governance important? What kinds of decisions are made by
people involved in these systems?
4) What are ‘onchain’ and ‘offchain’ governance? What are the pros and cons of each, according to the academic literature, industry reports, and commentators?

Who are the actors who play a role in blockchain governance? What kinds of decisions are made by people involved in these systems?
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