Explain the relevant concepts and how they will be applied in the scenario. Identify the most significant implications and consequences of your solution.

Identify the issue in your scenario. Using the concepts we have covered in this class, determine a solution to the proposed scenario.

Explain the relevant concepts and how they will be applied in the scenario. Identify the most significant implications and consequences of your solution.

To formulate an interesting and thoughtful answer, be sure to focus on the concepts of human resource law and legal business practices covered in your reading assignment before documenting how you would address the scenario in this discussion board.

You must also review the major components of HRM (Human Resource Management) in your reading assignment. In each scenario, you are a small business owner and should address your solution from that point of view. Be sure your position is fact-based, not opinion-based.

Refer to the reading assignments and website links from this module to best formulate your answer.

Required: Open a Word Document and compose your reply. Copy and paste your reply to Canvas. In the subject line, note which scenario you are covering on your initial post (ex: “Scenario B by Karen L”). Post your opening response as directed below in specifications. Remember, you will need to support your decision with factual information. Also, the review of your scenario must be specific and detailed, so that if readers are not familiar with the variable factors in forming a solution to the scenario, the student would still feel they had a firm grasp of why you chose the action you did for that scenario. In your response, include the following:

Clarity – Be clear in your response. Elaborate and give examples to help the reader understand your solution.
Depth – Include the factors that make this a difficult problem.
Relevance – How does your solution relate to the problem? How does it help with the issue?
Precision – Be specific. Provide details related to the issue and solution.

Cite your sources at the end of your document using MLA format.For more information on MLA format, review this link:Works Cited Page Guide (Links to an external site.) (opens in new window)

https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/12/ (Links to an external site.)


Your solution should be 3-5 paragraphs long and include references to at least 3 elements of Human Resources management covered in the reading assignment.
Open a Word Document and compose your reply. Copy and Paste your answer to the discussion forum.

You are a small café business owner and have had a difficult time keeping a steady staff of servers. Typically, college students fill the role, and while they fit best with the trendsetting crowd of patrons, you seem to be working through the same main issue- your staff does not seem to be reliable when it comes to attendance and punctuality. Even though you have a “three strikes and you are out policy”, your staff seems to not be able to “make the schedule” and is not motivated by these rules / consequences. You pay a base pay plus tips, and additional compensation is not an option at this point. Also, none of the servers want to fill the Monday-Thursday lunch crowd and you need to staff during these hours. Think about creative approaches to this staffing concern and share your ideas for creating a more stable serving team in the discussion board.

Explain the relevant concepts and how they will be applied in the scenario. Identify the most significant implications and consequences of your solution.
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