Discuss 3 aspects of your nutrient intake or nutrient distribution that are linked to an unhealthy diet and to potential health problems.

Hunaina Dorya Diet analysis

Purpose is to identify if your diet is healthy or if adjustments can be done to make that one day of eating a healthier day. You can analyze a weekday or a day of the weekend.

You will be tracking your food intake for one day using the app chronometer. Chronometer will “calculate” your food intake and present data in form of a result sheet.

You will then use this data to analyze your diet and identify if your diet puts you at a higher risk to develop health problems and chronic disease. Using the information discussed in the course, you will give suggestions how to make your diet a healthier diet.

Note that this diet analysis is tracking only 1 day. To get a more realistic idea about trends in your diet, you would have to track your food for several days. This diet analysis is a first start to become aware of your food intake and an exercise to interpret results from a food record.

There are 2 parts to this assignment:

Part 1: Food record and presentation of data
The instructor will provide a template/model that needs to be used
Using chronometer.com to produce a 1-day food record for yourself and present data and results.

Make sure that your total caloric intake is at least 80 % of your estimated energy requirement EER.

Be accurate ad honest. Pay attention to measure your foods or look at food labels to determine the amount of food that you are eating. Remember to include all food, fluids, alcohol, sauces and condiments in your assessment.

Part 2: Interpretation of results and making healthy changes
Based on the analysis of the results, you will discuss 3 aspects of your nutrient intake or nutrient distribution that are linked to an unhealthy diet and to potential health problems. Provide examples of specific dietary changes you could make to be more in line with these recommendations for healthy diet.

Discuss only the following aspects:
Total caloric intake,macronutrient intake and distribution (distribution of lipids, carbohydrates, and protein),recommended intake of one mineral (either sodium, or calcium, or iron)recommended intakes for fiber or sugar or saturated fat .
Do not analyze any vitamin intake.

In your interpretation, a specific model needs to be followed. The instructor will give more information ( see Activity 3: In-class activity Nutrition analysis)

Discuss 3 aspects of your nutrient intake or nutrient distribution that are linked to an unhealthy diet and to potential health problems.
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