Which of these do you think will be the biggest challenge for public school students in your community in the next school year?

The Questions

Q Suppose each of the following was graded A, B, C, D, or Fail for its response to the coronavirus pandemic during the past school year. What grade would you give them?
a.The public schools in your community

b.The public school teachers in your community

c.The public schools in the nation as a whole

Q As far as you are aware, what was the main mode of instruction for most students in your community’s public schools during the past school year? (The mode may have
changed over time. Select the one that you think was
used most during the school year.)
Fully remote, online instruction
Fully in-person instruction
Hybrid — a mix of remote and in-person instruction
Not aware

Q Which of these do you think will be the biggest challenge for public school students in your community in the next school year?
Catching up academically
Dealing with social-emotional impacts of pandemic
Readjusting to regular school schedules and routines

Q How confident are you in each of these?
a.That your community’s public schools will be prepared
to reopen fully this fall
b.That it will be safe for students, teachers, and staff to
return to in-person school this fall
c.That your community’s public schools will be prepared
to help students catch up on the academics they missed during the pandemic
d.That your community’s public schools will be prepared
to help students deal with social-emotional impacts of the pandemic

Q Do you have any children who were in grades K-12 in the past school year?

Which of these do you think will be the biggest challenge for public school students in your community in the next school year?
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