Using a single story or passage from the Bible, explore what capital T truth the story holds for our world today.

“Capital T-truths” in the Bible.

Write a four page paper that answers the question: How is the Bible true. (Note, this is different than asking if the Bible is true).

Using a single story or passage from the Bible, explore what capital T truth the story holds for our world today. Paper must incorporate at least 3 additional sources from class content.

Some things to remember and consider:

Your paper should have a clearly stated statement in the first paragraph.
You should use specific evidence and sources that we have explored thus far in the semester (part of the course reading). You are free also to use other sources you find, but make sure they are reliable primary or secondary sources.

Every item and source that you utilize must be cited and given credit. You may use any citation format.

You are responsible for knowing and abiding by the SAU policy on academic dishonesty. Don’t use the google.

As you try to demonstrate why your statement should be persuasive, be aware of potential objections, and refute/respond to them if possible.

Your paper is due BY the date and time indicated on the syllabus and blackboard.
Grammar and punctuation are important: make sure you use proper spelling, capitalization, etc. Watch out for sentence fragments.


Using a single story or passage from the Bible, explore what capital T truth the story holds for our world today.
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