How do elite athlete teams (where players qualify based on skill) behave when compared to intramural athlete teams (where everyone qualifies to be on the team)?

1. Question(s) related to how individuals are represented in the ads

Why is the candidate a young white male?

What are we supposed to assume, as consumers, about this individual (the candidate)?

What assumptions are we supposed to make about the individual characteristics or appearance of the bride?

Why do perceive some individual faces in the crowd as angrier than others?

Why does the ad encourage us to consider the bride as selfish or guilty for eating chocolate?

Why are women stereotyped as loving sweets, and lacking the maturity to resist sweets?

How does athletic competition change the way individuals interact with one another?

Can a competitive environment change an individual’s personality?

Is it normal for individuals to celebrate or express relief if they are somehow benefiting from someone else’s misfortune?

Does indulging in items considered guilty pleasures (such as ice cream) actually increase an individual’s feelings of guilt?

Why do cultures often associate women with committing the “sin” of self- indulgence in sweets?

Why is this viewed in the culture as humorous?

What are ways in which sensory perception around sweet tastes are gendered?

Is there a physiological component?

2. Questions related to how groups and group behavior are represented in the ad

Why are both servers girls, while most of the crowd and the candidate is male? Why are there not any diverse faces in the crowd?

Why are various races or ethnicities not featured in the ad?

Are the minority guests intentionally grouped or coupled together in the crowd?

How do sports teams express dominance or power over competitors outside of the actual event?

How do elite athlete teams (where players qualify based on skill) behave when compared to intramural athlete teams (where everyone qualifies to be on the team)?

How do religious orders such as nuns establish expectations for behavior?

Are there differences in the way males and females interpret Bible stories or lessons?

How do elite athlete teams (where players qualify based on skill) behave when compared to intramural athlete teams (where everyone qualifies to be on the team)?
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