Why did they leave England and settle in Massachusetts? Briefly describe their religious beliefs and their method of governing Massachusetts Bay colony?

1. What were the Navigation Acts? How did they affect the American colonies? Ch 4

2. Who were the Puritans? Why did they leave England and settle in Massachusetts?
Briefly describe their religious beliefs and their method of governing Massachusetts Bay colony? Chapter 3

3. Describe how the New England colonies over time became less influenced by religious leaders i.e. Roger Williams, etc. ch 3

4. Describe how colonies like New York and Pennsylvania (sometimes called the Middle colonies) became more tolerant of different religions and ethnic groups. Where did the people come from who lived there? Ch 4

5. Which were the Southern colonies? Who lived there? How did slavery dominate
society? How did all white people depend upon African slavery, either directly or
indirectly? Ch 2, 4

6. Despite the differences among the three groups of colonies, there were certain features that held them together. What were these common features and experiences?

Why did they leave England and settle in Massachusetts? Briefly describe their religious beliefs and their method of governing Massachusetts Bay colony?
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