Day: January 25, 2022

Explain your proposal to the evaluators and why you are requesting a fellowship for the studies or research you would like to do.

What is the “Statement of purpose” Explain your proposal to the evaluators and why you are requesting a fellowship for the studies or research you would like to do. The statement of purpose for the “la Caixa” fellowship programme is open. You do not have to reply to any specific questions, nor do you have […]

Write a literature review on the effects of corruption in states that have experienced conflict and the effects of corruption on their peacebuilding efforts.

Anti-Corruption and Peace building in Fragile States Write an integrative literature review on “Anti-Corruption and Peace building in the Fragile States”. This literature review will focus on the effects of corruption in states that have experienced conflict and the effects of corruption on their peace building efforts. Your focus should be on previous scholarly work […]

Write an essay in which you identify and define yourself as belonging to a particular social group or being in one particular type of people .

Write an essay in which you identify and define yourself as belonging to a particular social group or being in one particular type of people. Explain what you mean to be a particular type of people you might explain what it means for example for you to be a musician, an athlete, an feminist a […]

Consider a novel or book from any era in U.S. history that made an impression on you and discuss what was the social or cultural climate at the time of its publication?

Revisit the ‘Exercises’ section at the end of Section 3.3: Books and the Development of U.S. Popular Culture in your textbook. – link: For this essay, you will investigate the impact of books on U.S. culture. Consider a novel or book from any era in U.S. history that made an impression on you. Research […]

Discuss how the capacity in the organization can enable the processing of active requests for goods and services.

For this assignment, you will develop a presentation to deliver to the management team about how to use technology to forecast growth. Create a PowerPoint presentation in which you demonstrate the key indicators you believe provide useful, accurate signs for future growth. Note the technology sources for these indicators. Within the PowerPoint presentation, including an […]

Provide a summary of the article and discuss a company that may benefit from using this customer based corporate valuation.

Value a company 1) Provide a summary of the article (How to Value a Company by Analyzing its Customers – HBR 2020.pdf) 2)Discuss a company that may benefit from using this customer based corporate valuation. 3)If you find a piece (e.g., newspaper, magazine article, etc.) relevant to the article selected for the discussion, provide a […]

Discuss how their culture thrives against the impacts of tourism, modernity (Philippine national and local government), capitalism, and Westernized educational system.

Katutubo Paper 1 (3 pages, cite at least 5 sources): Write a short reflection after watching the film: Katutubo: Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines (2 pages). In this paper, try to answer the question: What does it mean to be ‘katutubo’ (indigenous) in the Philippine context? Questions to ponder: 1. how they live at present, […]

Examine agency costs and different ways to minimize them in order to maximize shareholder value.

Minimizing Agency Costs FIN-660 For this discussion you will examine agency costs and different ways to minimize them in order to maximize shareholder value. As you discovered in this module’s reading, agency costs are the result of managing the relationship and resolving differences between the shareholders and management, especially when there is a conflict of […]

Identify at least one factor that may negatively influence adherence to the medications and how it can be overcome.

The three parts of this assignment are: Conduct an interview of a client who is taking multiple medications (polypharmacy). You must prepare the client before the interview by explaining why you are conducting the interview. There may be a family member or significant other present during the interview. That is fine. Be sure to identify […]

Write a report for a senior leader that communicates your evaluation of current organizational or interprofessional team performance, with respect to prescribed benchmarks.

Write a report for a senior leader that communicates your evaluation of current organizational or interprofessional team performance, with respect to prescribed benchmarks. Review the performance dashboard metrics in the Dashboard and Health Care Benchmark Evaluation media simulation, as well as relevant local, state, and federal laws and policies. Consider the metrics that are falling […]

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