What was the particular area of concern in the study of religion in the first half of the 19th century?

Read pages 7-20 in the following e Text before completing the task.
e Text: Classical Approaches to the Study of Religion: Aims, Methods, and Theories of Research. Introduction and Anthology
Author: Jacques Waardenburg
Published: Berlin, [Germany]; Boston, [Massachusetts]: De Gruyter, 2017.

After reading the assigned pages from the Classical Approaches to the Study of Religion e Text, answer the following questions using the text to support your answers.

Q 1. (p. 9) What was the particular area of concern in the study of religion in the first half of the 19th century? (expand briefly on the answer).

Q 2. (pp. 17-20) What were two other academic disciplines that showed concern for the study of religion? Who were their main scholars and what were their primary interests or areas of study?

What was the particular area of concern in the study of religion in the first half of the 19th century?
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