Write a 2 page summary and paraphrase report on Steven Lessners “Finding Your Way in” and Sherry Turkle’s “Flight From Conversation”.

Write a 2 page summary and paraphrase report on Steven Lessners “Finding Your Way in” and Sherry Turkle’s “Flight From Conversation”.

Professor said ‘This is a “skill refresher” but not a unified essay. You’ll use Steven Lessner and Collin Craig’s “Finding Your Way In: Invention as Inquiry-Based Learning” for the summary part.

This is made easier since the article (book chapter) is structured to separate the major details of the piece. The paraphrase part using Sherry Turkle’s piece is more interpretive: what do you think are two relevant passages that could be paraphrased?’

Write a 2 page summary and paraphrase report on Steven Lessners “Finding Your Way in” and Sherry Turkle’s “Flight From Conversation”.
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