Explain how the objective aligns to the learning goal, and how you plan to measure the learning objective.

Answer student response from Topic 4 DQ1 question with 250 words and one scholar references,. Reply to student by saying hello and the student name.

Topic 4 DQ 1 Question
Explain how the objective aligns to the learning goal, and how you plan to measure the learning objective. How will you differentiate instruction to meet student needs in your classroom?

Natshall Molette Student Response Topic 4 DQ1
the learning goal I chose was sorting sequences and identifying that rate changes quality, from one quality to another. One of the objectives implemented was that, Student will be able to (SWBAT) view sequences, count, and identify similarities/differences in a sequence. The objective lines with the goal because the objectives will help students identify the difference and the similarities within a sequence which will help students identify the change within the numbers and the table.

I plan to measure the learning objectives through formative and summative assessments and assignments. Throughout the lesson, students will work on creating their own slides based on what they learn within that day. The classroom I’m working in doesn’t have students with special needs per say but students there are students with IEPs due to intense behaviors. I increased time for completing work and working with a peer to help decrease stress and frustration. There’s also one ELL student but she doesn’t come to class. However, I included using speech-to-text for her as well as allowing her to work with a peer to complete work.


Explain how the objective aligns to the learning goal, and how you plan to measure the learning objective.
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