Discuss how you would like to improve your social presence and how it will benefit you in landing a new career.

Assignment 4: LinkedIn/Social Networking Platforms
LinkedIn: Answer the following questions: Based on discussion and prior knowledge, how likely are you to create a LinkedIn account if you do not already have one? Share if your thoughts regarding LinkedIn have changed based on this course, good or bad.

Do you have a LinkedIn account and if so, how active are you? How will you increase activity once you begin looking for work?

Do you currently network? If so, or if not, how will you increase your networking on LinkedIn? (LACK OF NETWORK CURRENTLY)

Discuss where you are currently online. For example, if you are only on LinkedIn, you would state that you are only on LinkedIn and state how you would like to build a stronger presence.

Would that include a picture, updated resume, networking with professionals currently working in your field of choice?

Discuss how you would like to improve your social presence and how it will benefit you in landing a new career.

Discuss how you would like to improve your social presence and how it will benefit you in landing a new career.
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