Write a One-page report on your neighborhood based on Portrait of California study (Hayward, Alameda County).

Portrait of California assignment

Write a One-page report on your neighborhood based on Portrait of California study (Hayward, Alameda County).

This report catalogs every neighborhood in California according to an Index they develop.  This Index ranks the neighborhoods on a scale of 1 to 10, where a 10 is the highest score of a combination of wealth, education, and health.

In 2014, the neighborhood of Mountain View, Palo Alto and Los Altos Cities achieved an Index score of 9.26, the highest in California.  You will see in the report that was released in November 2021, which will be the primary report we will use, that the top One Percent neighborhoods have changed.  In the 2021-22 report you will find listings of cities, counties and neighborhoods beginning on page 178.
https://measureofamerica.org/california2021-22/ (Links to an external site.)
www.measureofamerica.org/california2014-15/ (Links to an external site.)

If you are not from California, then you will be able to use the Measure of America report for the United States, and find the information for your specific area of the US:
http://www.measureofamerica.org/measure_of_america2013-2014/ (Links to an external site.)

One additional item that will be discussed in class is the surprising news that life expectancy in the United States is lower than in comparable countries:
https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collection/u-s-life-expectancy-compare-countries/#item-le_the-u-s-has-seen-slower-growth-in-life-expectancy-than-comparable-countries_2019 (Links to an external site.)


Write a One-page report on your neighborhood based on Portrait of California study (Hayward, Alameda County).
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