Choose an article locate, analyze, and respond to a review or critical viewpoint related to a television show, podcast, movie, album, video game, social media platform, or other cultural product that you enjoy.

The purpose of this assignment is to continue your practice with the rhetorical, academic moves you are learning in your textbook, the “They Say, I Say” format, in order to compose a short response to a text.

In They Say, I Say, you are learning how to define what others are saying, as well as craft your own response in order to produce academic writing and response.

For this essay, you will work on synthesizing your skills in comprehension, analysis, summary/paraphrase/quotation, response, and anticipating objections.

For this assignment, you will locate, analyze, and respond to a review or critical viewpoint related to a television show, podcast, movie, album, video game, social media platform, or other cultural product that you enjoy.

You should choose an article that reviews or makes a critical argument about the tv show, movie, podcast, album or cultural product. (Here is an example of the type of article you might analyze about Game of Thrones: “Game of Thrones and the Paradox of Female Beauty “.)

Choose an article locate, analyze, and respond to a review or critical viewpoint related to a television show, podcast, movie, album, video game, social media platform, or other cultural product that you enjoy.
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