What were the circumstances surrounding your conversation with the unbelieving person when you presented the gospel?

1.The Witnessing Report should be a true, face-to-face encounter with an unbeliever (a person who is not born again) during the current semester.

2.Virtual encounters via FaceTime, Zoom, or Skype are allowed for the report only with special permission from the professor.

3.You are not permitted to document a “mock” or “role-played” encounter.

4.You must share the gospel with an unbeliever. It is not acceptable to simply invite them to church, have a religious discussion, hand them a tract, share your testimony, pray for them, or even serve them, without actually sharing the gospel. Sharing the gospel is the key.

5.One goal of this encounter is to help you adapt to people of different cultural and philosophical backgrounds in your conversation. Keep this in mind as you are sharing with others and if you were able to make cultural adjustments, make sure that you reflect that in your paper.

6.If you share your faith with someone and during the conversation you find out that they are already saved, you must find another individual who is not saved to witness to and document for the Witnessing Report.

How to Write the Witnessing Report:

There are three sections to this Witnessing Report:

Part ONE – What were the circumstances surrounding your conversation with the unbelieving person when you presented the gospel?

For example, where were you/what were you doing/what was going on when you began your conversation with the unbeliever?

How did you begin the gospel conversation?

To the best of your knowledge, what is the cultural background of the person you shared with? ex: religious background, cultural perspective, church experience.

Were you able to adapt your conversation or presentation of the gospel to the person’s cultural background? If so, how?

Part TWO – What was the reaction (questions/comments/statements) of the unbeliever?

For example, was he/she hostile, penitent, curious, confused, etc.? Explain, offer examples, paraphrased quotes, etc…

Part THREE – What did you do/say to the person in light of the person’s reaction to your presentation of the Gospel?

For example, if his/her reaction was to accept Christ, what did you say to them – did you pray with them, etc.?

If his/her reaction was not to accept Christ at this time, what did you say to them – did you ask if you could pray for them?

Did you ask them if it was ok if you could pray for them this week that they will sincerely think about what was said in this conversation?

Did you rehearse some important points made during the conversation so that it would “stick” with them after you parted ways? Explain.

Each of the 3 witnessing encounters must be summarized in a 1 – 2-page report using 12-point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced and adhering to the current Turabian format.

What were the circumstances surrounding your conversation with the unbelieving person when you presented the gospel?
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