Consider and discuss the practical implications of the recommendations for the business, such as the challenges/process of changing company culture.

Review the Volkswagen emission scandal and complete a statement based off this outline and do not add a summary of the scandal:

1. What could the company have done differently:
Before the scandal:
CEO should have been more involved in the decision-making process
Hostile environment for employees?

During the scandal:
Since the problems with the vehicles were known, leadership should have
made better decisions

After the scandal:
Produce more zero-emission cars
Win back the trust of its customers
Repair their brand in order to branch into other countries
Third party audits to ensure no rules are being broken and reports must be
made public

2. Alternative courses of action:
Chose the safety of consumers over costs
Research for better manufacturing
Be more transparent with the public on decision making moving forward
Establish clear ethical goals/standard

3. Recommendation: Consider and discuss the practical implications of the recommendations for the business, such as the challenges/process of
changing company culture, impact of hiring/firing decisions on
talent management and cost, company financial performance and
impact on customer/consumer confidence

Company must set clear ethical standards across the board

Impact of recommendations:
Maximizing the benefit:
Helps build customer loyalty
Keep good employees/positive work environment
Increase in productivity
Positive brand image
Creating way for more opportunities for the company
Producing efficient cars

Minimizing the risk:
Training on standards
Less money spent on lawsuits
Rewards for following standards

Consider and discuss the practical implications of the recommendations for the business, such as the challenges/process of changing company culture.
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