Day: March 2, 2022

Choose a passage below and write a 50+ word response to each passage, fully and sharply explain what you find interesting about the passage and why.

Choose a passage (a phrase, sentence, or multiple sentences working in concert) that you find particularly interesting from two of this unit’s texts—Richard Rodriguez’ “The Chinese in All of Us,” W.E.B. Du Bois’ “Of Our Spiritual Strivings,” Manuel Muñoz’s “Leave Your Name at the Border,” Amy Tan’s “Mother Tongue,” Jhumpa Lahiri’s “My Two Lives,” Plato’s […]

Write a brief report for senior managers at the case of your choosing and explain how might the company want to think about the role of business in society?

Southern water Ethical issues a) You are required to write a brief report for senior managers at the case of your choosing. This report is written from the perspective of a manager tasked to outline the ethical nature of the case. You will need to explore a number of factors including – Why should this […]

Culturally, describe differences, such as management styles between the workforce in the home country and in your chosen country.

Instructions; Describe at least two management positions that will require training for in-country positions. The description must include the identification of cultural, linguistics and specialized skills needed for the positions. Culturally, describe differences, such as management styles between the workforce in the home country and in your chosen country. Support your conclusions by using current […]

Compare the concepts of cultural competency and cultural humility and explain why cultural humility is important for professionals in your chosen discipline.

Describe how broad or narrow your definition and understanding of the term “diversity” was, prior to reviewing the resource materials. Then, compare the concepts of cultural competency and cultural humility. Finally, referencing these materials, explain why cultural humility is important for professionals in your chosen discipline. Provide an example to illustrate the importance.

Create a Request for Proposal (RFP) for this event supplier and find a location for the 2026 Annual Education Conference.

Create a Request for Proposal (RFP) for this event supplier You have recently been hired as the Director of Meetings for the National Association for Law Placement, Inc. (NALP). Your first order of business is to find a location for the 2026 Annual Education Conference. You have decided to locate the event in a single […]

Why have these invented traditions and myths become so central to ideas about America’s national beginnings?

Compare Bradford’s (Of Plimoth Plantation) and Winslow’s (“Mourt’s Relation”) accounts of the Puritans’ “First Thanksgiving” (see the PDF titled “First Thanksgiving at Plymouth” to read the two short passages) with contemporary ideas about the landing at Plymouth Rock and the holiday. Why have these invented traditions and myths become so central to ideas about America’s […]

Pick and examine an event that they believe reveals something significant and insightful about the relationship between race, gender, and sport.

Essays that closely examines a current sport-related event/ news story. Students should pick an event that they believe reveals something significant and insightful about the relationship between race, gender, and sport. Event must have occurred between 8/1/21- 3/1/22. Make sure to include a description of the event in addition to your analysis. Examples of events […]

Based on these three items alone, what kind of conclusions can you make about British literature since 1785?

The Hypocrisy of The Catholic Church as Shown in British Literature The first thing you’ll need to do is choose exactly three pieces of British literature that we have read or will be reading during the course of the term. One should be from the Romantic Period, one from the Victorian Era, and one from […]

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