Compare and contrast examination of three writers of governmental and social needs and rules and the need and handling of war ready nations.

Looking at society through different eyes

For the first paper, you are going to do a compare and contrast examination of three writers of governmental and social needs and rules and the need and handling of war ready nations.

The three writers are Lao-Tzu (China), Christian de Pizan (France), and Machiavelli (Italy). You are going to approach it through Aristotle’s pathos, ethos, and logos. By doing this you are evaluating their writings and understanding of the world of their times, but you must remember that you are looking at them through the eyes of modern day.

Here is where kairos comes in. Kairos is a Greek word for time and used in writings and philosophical thought as belonging to the purpose and needs of specific ages and situations. Hence, the kairos of 500 BCE China is a different understanding of the needs and situation across the world in Europe and a 1000 year later. You will need at least one independent source for each individual (Dictionaries and encyclopedia are acceptable but do not meet this criteria but extra sources). This is not three separate reports where you first talk about one then the other. But, there are correlations between them and need to stand up against one another with a purpose (thesis) stated for the paper.

Compare and contrast examination of three writers of governmental and social needs and rules and the need and handling of war ready nations.
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