Consider the views of nature covered so far in class and ask how they relate to your own views of nature.

Nature and the Transcendentalists
Assignment 2: Your Experience of Nature
To consider the views of nature covered so far in class and ask how they relate to your own views of nature.
1. For this assignment take your notes or your ideas from the lectures so far and go outside for some time. Do your best to get close to nature. Maybe you are lucky and will actually be able to visit a park or wilderness area, or maybe the best you can do is to go outside and be near the potted plants on your apartment balcony. Either way, try to at least get outside.

2. We have looked at the ideas of nature presented by the Lakota, the Pilgrims & Puritans, and the Transcendentalists. As you review your notes and thoughts and think about your own experience of nature, ask yourself which of the perspectives in class have the most meaning for you.

3. Write a paper that is at least 1 1/2 pages (500 words) where you talk about your own experience of being out in nature, and you talk about the ways in which your own experience relates to the ideas discussed in class. Also post a work of art (photograph/painting/et.) that helps to express your experience.

4. Post your paper to your groups discussion board. You will find an assignment link in the Assignments section for Module 4, Assignment 2. (Paper worth 12 points)
5. Reply to at least 1 of the posts of your classmates. Say specifically what you liked about his or her ideas and also discuss specific ways in which your own point of view is similar or different. (Replies worth 3 points)
Consider the views of nature covered so far in class and ask how they relate to your own views of nature.
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