How is Achievement for All connected with the SEND Code of Practice and what are the opportunities and barriers to Achievement for All??

Ethics methodology

What is meant by ‘Achievement for All?

How is Achievement for All connected with the SEND Code of Practice?

What are the opportunities and barriers to Achievement for All??

Reading  & Preparation : Make notes on your reading

Blandford, S, & Knowles, C. (2013) Achievement for Al: Raising aspirations, access and achievement. Bloomsbury.London.

Ebook through the library.

Chapter 1.

Blandford, S. Achievement for All in International Classrooms. Bloomsbury. London.

What are the ‘Broad Areas of Need’ in the SEND Code?

What is meant by Communication & Interaction?

What is meant by Cognition & Learning?


This section will provide the rationale(s) for the research design choices and discuss issues relating to validity – linked consistently to the stated project aims and RQs; and supported with relevant literature on research design.

Which research paradigm did you use – positivist or interpretivist, and why.

Which research approach/strategy (e.g. case study,ethnography, survey, action research) did you use? Why?

Identify the data collection method(s) selected. Why?

How do the selected methods engage with the stated research paradigm and approach?

How will reliability and validity be assured? Consider issues related to statistical analysis and/or triangulation.

Research Ethics SECTION the bullet points to use as subheading

Demonstrate your understanding of ethical procedures and, where appropriate, how they were applied in your research.

Your discussion in this section must be supported with relevant literature on ethics.

What are the key ethical issues? How will they be meaningfully applied in the context of this proposed research and method(ology)?

What is informed consent? How was it gained from the various categories of participant? Gate keeping.

What is meant by confidentiality and anonymity? How was confidentiality and anonymity assured in this research?

What are the benefits of your research? What are the potential risks? Issues in dissemination

How has your researcher identity and positioning influenced the data gathering process (and analysis?).

Consider power relations in your role as researcher









My supervisor advised me that this section needs more references he also sends me the references I should use. Also, regarding the parent and health care section in the RESEARCH GAP he said to use Hellawell and the SENCO Code Practice as references as they spoke about parent and healthcare and to reference all of that SECTION.

These are the references my supervisor advised me to use in this section

2.4 Improving SEND provisions in mainstream schools            More references

School leaders and policymakers are tasked with the role of improving SEND provisions in schools to increase positive outcomes among students. One way that this can be achieved is by strengthening inclusion in schools. Caroll et al. (2017) explain that mainstream education still has a long way to go before it can be considered ‘inclusive’. There are still gaps that need to be addressed by school administrators to incorporate inclusive practice. Shaw (2017) agrees with this sentiment, stating that school leaders play an essential role in facilitating inclusive practice in mainstream schools. She names five key areas that she believes will achieve this. These include leadership, teaching and learning, pupil outcomes and achievements, using evidence to deploy resources, and using expertise to enrich the school experience. Caroll et al. (2017) expound on leadership by focusing on student outcomes and achievements by explaining teacher approaches that can be used to meet the needs of SEND students.

In teaching and learning, Morley et al. (2020) state that teachers need to be empowered as a means to improve SEND provision. Tennett (2020) emphasizes the role of teachers, mentioning them as leaders that can facilitate instructional change. The study explains that supporting the school workforce by ensuring that they have access to resources, proper training, and support from other SEND teachers could improve the outcomes of their students. Blatchford et al. (2009) add that the employment is support staff could improve teacher outcomes since they offer support in the classroom. Morley et al. (2020) explain that resources used by teachers need to be evidence-based, drawn from specialist organizations, parents, and school-based professionals. The results of the study are in line with what was mentioned by Caroll et al. (2017) who listed the use of evidence and expertise to deploy resources as a key area in achieving inclusion. Shaw (2017) also supports the study, stating that the perception of teachers towards including SEND students in activities has remained negative despite the development of policies. The researcher states that teachers need to be up-skilled so that they are aware of how they can include SEND students in activities such as physical education where they continue to be excluded.

Caroll et al. (2017) point out that a well-maintained infrastructure is an aspect that is often overlooked when thinking about improving SEND provision. Although other aspects such as teacher qualification and curriculum adjustment are essential, SEND students to need to be able to access these aspects through proper infrastructure. Shaw (2017) disputes the level of importance placed on infrastructure, noting that modifications to make facilities accessible to SEND students are often the main goal of mainstream schools. Shaw (2017) adds that adjustments such as building ramps and disability lavatories are usually included even in schools that are not considered mainstream. However, both researchers agree that well-maintained school buildings that have the proper infrastructure make it easier for SEND students to adjust to the environment compared to schools that fail to maintain their infrastructure.

SEND teaching can, therefore, be made more effective by creating more opportunities for inclusion through leadership. It will also benefit from empowering teachers by ensuring they have access to resources that are evidence-based. The infrastructure in mainstream schools should also be well maintained to ensure that SEND students can easily adjust to the environment.

2.5  Gaps in the Literature     THIS SECTION NEEDS REFERENCES

The literature failed to cover some points that would be essential in understanding the research topic. It does not explain how teachers differentiate between a problematic student and a SEND student well. It also fails to clarify what the role of the parent and the healthcare professional is in SEND identification. (HERE SPEAK ABOUT HOWEVER HELLAWELL AND THE SENCO CODE OF PRACTICE BECAUSE THEY SPOKE ABOUT PARENT AND HEALTHCARE) Though noting that identifying SEND in older students is easier than younger students, it does not give a proper clarification of why it is easier. The studies fail to explain how teachers prevent conflict when working with SEND students. Additional information is also needed on whether higher education prepares general education teachers to work with SEND students. The literature notes that teachers sometimes need to make modifications based on SEND student therapy, but does not explain how such modifications are made. Lastly, further information is needed on the resources that can be used to improve SEND instruction and still benefit the rest of the class.


How is Achievement for All connected with the SEND Code of Practice and what are the opportunities and barriers to Achievement for All??
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