Describe the Caritas Processes and discuss where and how they relate to the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in your scenario.

Task;Caring Science and clinical reasoning

In Learning Modules 1 and 2 you have explored the links between the principles and processes of Caring Science and Clinical Reasoning using clinical scenarios.  Principles associated with Caritas Processes are outlined and techniques associated with nurses using creative, scientific problem-solving approaches in practice are discussed.

This assessment task requires you to write an essay in which you:

From the Case Scenario provided in the assessment 1 tab on the interact 2 site identify the key aspects of the clinical scenario.

Describe the Caritas Processes and discuss where and how they relate to the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in your scenario;

Explain how the Caritas Processes and Clinical Reasoning Cycle could be used to achieve solutions to address the care needs for the person / family / community;

Assessment One Case Scenarios

Case Scenario

Sally Abraham is a 37 year old single mother who was recently referred to the palliative care outreach team with metastatic cancer.  Sally was first diagnosed 10 years ago when she found a lump in her breast.  When she went to hospital for her biopsy two more lumps were found.  She is now presenting for end-of-life (terminal care), where the focus will be on symptom management.  She has presented with increasing generalised pain, nausea and vomiting.  Her 14 year old daughter is sitting by her bed, massaging Sally’s hands with lavender oil and encouraging her to drink small amounts of carrot juice.

You complete a clinical assessment and review Sally’s medication regime, noting she has been taking MS Contin 120 mg BD and morphine (Ordine) elixir 40 mg for breakthrough pain.  She has had three breakthrough in the last 24 hours.  She tells you that this is ‘just holding her pain though’.  Sally also tells you she feels bloated, has been passing small amounts or liquid diarrhoea and has vomited small amounts.

You make a list of short term goals for Sally to improve her level of comfort, then decide on a course of action to include her daughter and extended family.


Describe the Caritas Processes and discuss where and how they relate to the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in your scenario.
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