Develop 1-2 educational materials that will be disseminated at targeted trade schools and community colleges to educate on the benefits of a smoke free campus.

What Study Design will you use? ( 2 paragraphs, 3-5 sentences each )

Explain the specifics of your evaluation design and limitations. Include your approaches to address threats to internal validity.

State which study design you chose and provide a justification (why this study design is the best possible design for your project)

Describe what you will do to address the threats to internal validity that the design cannot control

Operationalization of Concepts (2 pargaragrahs-1 for each objective) 

Describe your data collection methods in a narrative summary based upon a grouping of the type of evaluation that is being used. For example, all process measures will be described together for each of the objectives. How will you collect data on your measures? You are likely to be using a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods, be sure to include this language.

Pilot Testing Procedures   (1 paragraph)

Describe methods you will use to Pilot test your instruments

Develop a sample policy for a 100% smoke-free campus policy for each targeted trade school and community college and include them in the educational packets for distribution at meetings and presentations.

Create and maintain a directory of all trade schools and community colleges in the LA Community College District (10 colleges), trade schools and community colleges. Update directory annually.

Develop 1-2 educational materials that will be disseminated at targeted trade schools and community colleges to educate on the benefits of a smoke free campus.

Conduct 2-4 community forums or listening sessions, approximately 90 to 120 minutes in length, with participation by approximately 15-50 individuals at each event. Topics will include secondhand smoke at college campuses, tobacco use (including menthol and flavors), the industry’s marketing tactics to target multi-ethnic groups, the vaping epidemic, and how the community can become involved in tobacco campaign efforts.

Conduct 3-5 informational and educational workshops, approximately 45 to 60 minutes in length to 15-20 attendees per workshop. Topics will include: the benefits of smoke-free campuses, the effects of secondhand and third hand smoke, and local tobacco data on youth and young adult population.

Present to community college decision makers to request adoption and implementation of voluntary smoke-free policies that prohibit tobacco use on campus, including electronic smoking devices (ESD).



Develop 1-2 educational materials that will be disseminated at targeted trade schools and community colleges to educate on the benefits of a smoke free campus.
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