Choose your essay topic: personal growth or language identity, brainstorm about your topic and try to generate 3 ideas/examples that you could write about as part of your essay.

Short Stuff Assignment #5: Outline for Essay #2

Read or reread the essays and poems from this unit:

Personal Growth

On Being a Trans Woman, and Giving Up Makeup, by Meredith Talusan

Learning to Swim Taught Me More Than I Bargained for, by Jazmine Hughes

The Crossing, by Jhumpa Lahiri

blessing the boats, by Lucille Clifton

 Linguistic Identity

How to Tame a Wild Tongue, by Gloria Anzaldúa

Mother Tongue, by Amy Tan

Professional Spanish Knocks at the Door, by Elizabet Velasquez

Review the assignment for Essay #2.

 Choose your essay topic: personal growth or language identity

Brainstorm about your topic and try to generate 3 ideas/examples that you could write about as part of your essay.

Try to think of details and evidence for each of your 3 main points.

Can you think of a personal example for at least one of the main points?

Also, note passages from the readings that you might want to include. Find at least three quotes from the readings that resonated with you for one reason or another.  Include them in your outline.  Which of your main points does each quote most relate to?


 Choose your essay topic: personal growth or language identity, brainstorm about your topic and try to generate 3 ideas/examples that you could write about as part of your essay.
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