Explain what is Laura Mulvey’s argument on the depiction of women in film?

Reading Response Question: What is Laura Mulvey’s argument on the depiction of women in film?

After identifying her argument, provide a link to a video clip (television show, film, commercial, etc.) where you see her argument materializing, and explain why and how you see her argument applicable in this clip.

Viewing Response Question: How does Mulvey’s argument apply to (or not apply to) G.I. Jane?

Your response must feature scene analyses that inform your opinion and that attend to the gendering of formal elements of cinema.

film link: https://digitalcampus-swankmp-net.proxy.libraries.rutgers.edu/rutgers313400/watch/c0de535c9dc3477c?referrer=direct

Explain what is Laura Mulvey’s argument on the depiction of women in film?
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