Day: March 28, 2022

Provide your recommendation to the mayor’s office regarding the construction of the center.

Consulting Project: Objectives and Overview Combine the economic tools learned during the semester to make a recommendation to accept or reject a policy proposal.  Students will use economic analysis to communicate and defend their positions. Module Overview This project requires two stages for completion – first you are to act as a consultant and second […]

Explain and describe one or two of the social psychology concepts that you learned about in this unit.

Unit 6 Discussion-Initial Post After completing the readings, watching the videos in Unit 6, and further researching the topic, post a two-paragraph response to the following: In your first paragraph, explain and describe one or two of the social psychology concepts that you learned about in this unit. You may decide to choose from the […]

Explain how can Rap and Hip-hop give a voice to influence climate change and social sustainability?

PART 1: Rewrite the following statement below. Then, very briefly explain what you changed in the rewrite to make it a better thesis statement. So, if there isn’t an argument, then make one up for the statement. These are all Crash (Movie) thesis statements. 1. One of the biggest cracks in America’s foundation is stereotypes. […]

Explain the descriptive statistics and charts which you might use to first analyze the data and check the sample for outliers and normality.

Preparation To prepare for this discussion, follow along with our ScreenCast videos 12.8 and 12.8.2 to make sure you can generate all of the required results. Required SPSS Videos Stats 3e Screencast 12.8 (shows how to get a One-Way Anova from the “compare means” menu) Stats 3e Screencast 12.8.2 (shows how to get the same […]

What are some main points that provided information on high-tech methods of sorting, tracking, and controlling air freight shipments at Hong Kong Air Cargo?

1. Post a brief synopsis of the video. 2. What are some main points that provided information on high-tech methods of sorting, tracking, and controlling air freight shipments at Hong Kong Air Cargo? 3. Describe key points you could use if you were a manager in air cargo management.

Is there a difference in team dynamics between female and male teams? Do you coach female athletes/teams differently than male athletes/teams?

Differences in female athletes and coaching females: Talk about a physical, psychological, or social difference in female athletes vs male athletes that you are familiar with, have observed or are interested in (provide objective information and/or references Is there a difference in team dynamics between female and male teams? Do you (or would you) coach […]

Describe the company’s strategic advantages and market position over the other three.Describe any disadvantages and/or competitive pressures you observed.

Research and report on: UPS State each question/statement and give each answer its own separate paragraph(s). Introduction Include the name of the integrator, a brief description of the company, specific start date, route structure, high technical solutions, and aircraft. Strategic Advantages Describe the company’s strategic advantages and market position over the other three. Disadvantages Describe […]

Research and write a report on a specific difference involving female vs male athletes that looks at possible injuries or conditions, coaching considerations, physiological differences, social or psychological aspects, etc.

FEMALE ATHLETE DIFFERENCES A paper presenting physical, psychological or social difference(s) with female vs male athletes. You are going to research and write a report on a specific difference involving female vs male athletes that looks at possible injuries or conditions, coaching considerations, physiological differences, social or psychological aspects, etc. Your paper should be 3-5 […]

What are some of the difficulties faced by those who are incarcerated with mental illness? What about when they transition back into the community?

A Nation human behind bars Answer the following questions related to the criminal justice system, mental health, and crime. 1. Should dealing with mental health/mental illness be the responsibility of the criminal justice system? Why or why not? 2. What are some of the difficulties faced by those who are incarcerated with mental illness? What […]

Use credible evidence to describe a social issue (mentioned up above), explain the relationship between the social issue and population health, and recommend a feasible course of action.

Topic: The social issue is Immigration, especially undocumented immigrants to the United States. Why are Immigrants not getting access to health care? This could be many things like language barriers, financial costs, lack of health insurance, or citizenship status. You will use credible evidence to describe a social issue (mentioned up above), explain the relationship […]

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