
Research a minimum of four articles regarding group norms and conformity. Explain how both conformers and non-conformers influence the group.

Principles of Management 2 Part 1: Research a minimum of four articles regarding group norms and conformity. Explain how both conformers and non-conformers influence the group. Explain the consequences of not having either type of group member in any given group. Part 2: Identify and explain two ways that human resources professionals can support managers. […]

Why do we conform and obey? Describe a scenario in which you were persuaded to do something that you did not really want to do. (

Obedience and Conformity “Conformity is going along with the crowd” (Chapter 9, pg. 310). “Like obedience, conformity has had a bad reputation among social psychologists, and this stems in part from influential early studies that depicted people doing foolish, irrational, or bad things in order to conform” (pg. 310). Why do we conform and obey? […]

Explain how knowledge related to social psychology and personality will assist in better understanding and assessing individual, group, or societal behavior.

Writing Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to apply information you have learned related to social psychology and personality when assessing individual, group, and societal behavior to gain a deeper understanding of human behavior and thinking. This will assist in being better equipped to interact with individuals from different cultural backgrounds and who have […]

Compare and contrast Thoreau’s reason for going to the woods and his reason for leaving them (p. 990). Give lines from the text to support your answer.

Henry David Thoreau – Walden 1 In the middle of “Where I Lived, and What I Lived For,” Thoreau explains that he went to the woods to “live deliberately” and “to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life” (p. 967). What does Thoreau mean by this? How might a person “live what […]

Discuss how power and conformity have lead to bad decisions for organizations you have been affiliated with.

Bad decisions in organizations Discuss how power and conformity have lead to bad decisions for organizations you have been affiliated with. Use personal examples where possible (or The Office). How might these situations have been avoided? Use terminology from the assigned readings and bring in current events (provide a URL) to add to the conversation […]

Write 5 paragraph essay, compare and contrast the role tv, music, movies and the suburbs played in developing conformity and counterculture in America during the 1950’s

Conformity and Counterculture In a 5 paragraph essay, compare and contrast the role tv, music, movies and the suburbs played in developing conformity and counterculture in America during the 1950’s

Choose one of the short stories and discuss why and how the story connects with one or two of the themes discussed in Unit 1:

Short Story Analysis using Literary Devices Discussion Tasks: Part 1. Choose one of the short stories that we have read so far. Remember that “Everything that Rises Must Converge” was only provided as a model; you must choose one of the other stories to write about: “The Paper Menagerie” Part 2. Discuss why and how […]

Discuss the ways in which what we see on stage or screen (stage directions, visual choices) and/or what we hear (monologues and dialogue) connect to that particular theme.

Exploring Themes in Drama Discussion Tasks: Part 1. Consider which of the following themes you are most interested in exploring in the context of your chosen drama: Love (filial, maternal/paternal, romantic, or platonic) Alienation/Otherness The American Dream/Nightmare The Quest for Identity/Coming of Age Conformity/Rebellion Part 2. Discuss the ways in which what we see on […]

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