Explain how the authoritarian regimes of Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan have utilized tribalism in order to weaken the emergence of a united opposition within the population.

Political and Social Tribalism in Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan

Research Proposal

Research question:  How the authoritarian regimes of Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan have utilized tribalism in order to weaken the emergence of a united opposition within the population.

To do this intend to dissect tribalism and clannism into two sections. 1st. Tribalism as a historic factor, present within the respective countries over hundreds of yeras. 2nd.

The emergence of a new form of clannism within the political elite such as Nazarbaevs clan and Berdymukhamedovs clan.

This includes people outside their historic Tribe, yet they are part of the ruling clan bound together by corruption, crime and abuse of power.

To answer the research question explore relevant events in Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan.


Explain how the authoritarian regimes of Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan have utilized tribalism in order to weaken the emergence of a united opposition within the population.
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