Prepare a capstone project for perceptions of inhaled medications in the COPD population.

Perceptions of inhaled medications in the COPD population

Discussion Section Assignment

Build the “D” of the IMRAD portion of your Capstone project.

The discussion section of your paper is where you will explore the meaning of your findings, how they apply to the external environment, and the relevance to your research question; thus, making an argument in support of your overall conclusion.

To simply this process, try to focus your discussion on the following topics:

Interpretation of your results

The implications of your findings

The limitations of your work

The next steps or recommendations based on your findings

 With this in mind, avoid overextending your findings to conclusions that are not clear from your work.

Finally, while it is good practice to critically appraise and reflect on the limitations of your work, don’t completely undermine your efforts.

The discussion of limitations should work to strengthen your credibility rather than to solely express that negative aspects of your methodology.

Refer to the examples/resources in Canvas for both quantitative and qualitative examples of the presentation of methods sections in scientific papers.

The discussion section of your paper will be three pages in length, double spaced.

Prepare a capstone project for perceptions of inhaled medications in the COPD population.
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