Discuss the similarities and differences between the Doctor of Philosophy program in Business Administration and the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), which is the program you are pursuing.

Assignment Overview
Download the DBA Handbook found at the at the DBA guide site and review section

Discuss the similarities and differences between the Doctor of Philosophy program in Business Administration and the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), which is the program you are pursuing.

This assignment is important in your doctoral program so that you gain an understanding of the size, scope, and objectives of the research study that you will produce at the end of the program.

Case Assignment
After reading the required background material and finding at least two other
resources on your own, write a 5- to 7-page paper discussing the topic:

Applied Research in Business

In your paper, you should answer the following questions using your own evaluation
and critical thinking.

1. Compare and contrast theoretical (fundamental) research and applied research.

2. Discuss in more detail the characteristics of Applied Research in the context of a
D.B.A. program.

Assignment Expectations
Length: The written component of this assignment should be 5-7 pages long
(double-spaced) without counting the cover page and reference page.

Discuss the similarities and differences between the Doctor of Philosophy program in Business Administration and the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), which is the program you are pursuing.
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