Research an element, and create a small informational poster about that element, combining text and images.

Meet the element-Hydrogen

In this assignment you will first research an element, and create a small informational poster about that element, combining text and images. Your poster should have the following format:

Under normal conditions (room temperature) my element is solid/liquid/gas (cross out).
(If it is solid). The element is a metal/nonmetal (cross out).
(If it is solid). Melting point temperature: _____________ o C.
(If it is a solid, or liquid). Boiling point temperature: _____________ o C.
The atomic number is _____. The atomic weight is _____.

If you had a pure sample of the element (no other elements mixed in), describe its appearance in three ways:

Find two facts about the history of the element. (Examples: who discovered it, how was it discovered, where was it discovered)

Name of element. The “numbers” on the element go below (see notes).
Symbol of element. Include the atomic number (to the top left) and atomic weight (to the bottom left) of symbol.
Pictures of things made from the element, as well as text about the element get added around pictures. Element chosen:

Find and describe three things that the element is used for. These might be specific objects (e.g. xray tubes), as well as more general things (e.g. computer technology.) Write down enough descriptive information that you will be able to expand on this in your poster.
Uses What qualities of the element make it useful for this purpose?

Use the Internet (Google image search) find two images. Print the page using a colour printer and cut the images out. Describe each image:

Research an element, and create a small informational poster about that element, combining text and images.
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