Write a research paper explaining how do burnout interventions (I), compared to no interventions (C) affect nurse reported burnout and professional wellbeing (O)?

For nurses working in the hospital setting (P), how do burnout interventions (I), compared to no interventions (C) affect nurse reported burnout and professional wellbeing (O)?

Literature Review

Assignment Instructions

Use the synthesis table you completed in Week 4 to compare and contrast your articles. Describe how the articles are similar. Describe how they are different. Discuss whether the results between studies are contradictory. Describe any clear themes.

Use the questions on the Johns Hopkins Tool (that you completed in Week 4) to guide your thinking about the strengths and weaknesses of each research article to assist you in critiquing the articles. Explain gaps identified in the research.

The gaps can usually be found in the Discussion section where the author describes the study limitations.

Discuss the comparison of your own practice with the research.

Conclude with the answer to your PICOT question. Is there enough evidence? If not, what further research is warranted?

Your APA-formatted paper is to be 10–12 pages long (the page count includes title page and reference list) with at least seven scholarly sources (these sources include those that answer your PICOT question).

Include the following sections in literature review paper:

Introduction and search history

Synthesis of evidence

Critique of the evidence

Gaps in the research

Comparison of your institution’s practice







Synthesis Table


EBP Question: For nurses working in the hospital setting (P), how do burnout interventions (I), compared to no interventions (C) affect nurse reported burnout and professional wellbeing (O)?



Author/Year Design/level of evidence Study


Sample/Setting Significant Results Limitations
Cheng et al., (2015) Double-Blind Randomized/1 Thankful events.

This study investigated whether directing practitioners’ attention to thankful events in work could reduce stress and depressive symptoms

102 nurses


The result shows a decrease in symptoms of depression. At follow-up, the gratitude group reported lower depressive symptoms than the control group. The randomization procedure failed to produce equivalent groups in terms of certain sociodemographic characteristics, including years of professional experience.

Did not assess whether they continued to write diaries after the intervention and could not tell whether the effects at the 3-month follow-up were due to continued diary writing. A larger sample with more professionals from different occupational categories.

Alexander et al., (2015) Randomized controlled/2 Yoga.

The purpose of this pilot-level randomized controlled trial was to examine the efficacy of yoga to improve self-care and reduce burnout among nurses.

40 nurses Yoga participants reported high significant self-care as well as less depressive symptoms upon completion of an 8-week yoga intervention compared to control group. Although the control group demonstrated no change of the study, the yoga group showed a significant improvement in scores from pre- to postintervention. The limitations of the present study included the small sample size, lack of an active control group, and reliance on self-report measures




Darban et al., (2016)


Systemic Review/2 Communication skills training.

The present research aims to study the effect of communication skills training on the burnout of nurses.

60 nurses Burnout in the intervention group improved after the intervention. These changes suggest a significant decreasing trend. On the other hand, the mean scores of burnout in the control group showed no significant difference. All subjects were selected from a single hospital, the small sample size. Individual differences of nurses affect their perception of job burnout and workshop influence on them. Lack of full control over information exchange between the intervention and control groups.
Sabanciogullari  et al., (2015)





Quasi-experimental/2 Professional identity development program.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the Professional Identity Development Program on the professional identity, job satisfaction and burnout levels of registered nurses

63 nurses During the research period, burnout symptoms significantly declined in the intervention group while those of the control group increased. This program should be implemented in different hospitals and different samples of nurses. It is recommended that the program should be implemented in different hospitals with different samples of nurses, and that its effectiveness should be evaluated.







Cheng, S.-T., Tsui, P. K., & Lam, J. H. M. (2015). Improving mental health in health care practitioners: Randomized controlled trial of a gratitude intervention. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 83(1), 177–186. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0037895


Alexander GK, Rollins K, Walker D, Wong L, Pennings J. Yoga for self-care and burnout prevention among nurses. Workplace Health Saf. 2015;63(10):462–70.


Sabancıogullari S, Dogan S. Effects of the professional identity development programme on the professional identity, job satisfaction and burnout levels of nurses: A pilot study. Int J Nurs Pract. 2015;21(6):847–57.


Darban F, Balouchi A, Narouipour A, Safarzaei E, Shahdadi H. Effect of communication skills training on the burnout of nurses: a cross-sectional study. J Clin Diagn Res. 2016;10(4):IC01–IC04.


Write a research paper explaining how do burnout interventions (I), compared to no interventions (C) affect nurse reported burnout and professional wellbeing (O)?
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