Write an 8–10 page paper that summarizes the major concepts, the theory of change, and the stance and role of the therapist for one modernist.

The modernist and postmodernist theories

For this assignment, write an 8–10 page paper that summarizes the major concepts, the theory of change, and the stance and role of the therapist for one modernist and one postmodernist family therapy model.

You should compare and contrast their theories of change and how the therapist positions herself or himself in relation to the clients, and summarize the significant differences between the modernist and postmodernist theories you chose in your conclusion.

Modernist family therapy theories to choose from: Virginia Satir’s experiential family therapy, and Carl Whitaker’s symbolic experiential therapy.

Postmodernist family therapy theories to choose from (only pick one): Narrative therapy (Michael White, David Epston, Stephen Madigan), solution-focused therapy (Steve de Shazer, Insoo Kim Berg, Bill O’Hanlon), Harlene Anderson’s collaborative language therapy.

Use the Model Comparison Template linked in Resources to guide your work and organize your information properly. Be sure to delete any contextual information that is already on the template as you work.

In your paper, be sure to address the following:

Define relevant concepts of ONE modernist and ONE postmodernist family therapy theory.
Analyze the historical impact of modernist and postmodernist family therapy theorists associated with the chosen models.
Articulate how one modernist and one postmodernist family therapy theory affect the stance and role of the family therapist.
Differentiate the theories of change in one modernist and postmodernist family therapy theory.
Evaluate each theory’s impact on marriage and family therapy.

Write an 8–10 page paper that summarizes the major concepts, the theory of change, and the stance and role of the therapist for one modernist.
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