Explain the evidence on how personality and intelligence tests have been used within educational settings.

Intelligence Theories (800 words) + Psychometric Tests (850 words)

Intelligence Theories (800 words)

1. Key theories of intelligence
2. 2 theories (deep view):

a) Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences
b) Sternberg’s triarchic theory

3. How intelligence research has evolved over time

4. Explore contemporary studies (from 2013, academic source only – Research Gate, Perlego, EBSCO)

5. Strengths and weaknesses

Psychometric Tests (850 words)

1. What psychometric tests are

2. Strengths and limitations of psychometric tests discussing concepts related to:

a) reliability
b) validity
c) ethical use

3. Evidence on how personality and intelligence tests have been used within educational settings (at schools re: hiring teachers)

Explain the evidence on how personality and intelligence tests have been used within educational settings.
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