Prepare a formal agreement and meet with a potential mentor and draft a statement about what you hope to gain from the mentor.

Coursework Prompts

Prompt 1

Choose a recent natural disaster, mass shooting, or similar event to analyze. What was the immediate and long‐term response(s) of the local, state, and federal governments? What in your opinion could have been done differently to ensure better health outcomes for the victims? Be specific in your response in order to support your position(s). Your references for this post can be from news media sources as long as they are recognized reputable sources.

Prompt 2

Leaders must be able to cast a vision before followers to lead effectively. What is your vision of nursing in the year 2025? What strategies would you employ to engage your followers in working with you to reach that vision? What barriers do you anticipate? How would you approach and overcome the barriers? How would you measure success in achieving your vision?

Prompt 3

Choose one of the following exercises listed below.

Make a list of people who have mentored you during your personal and professional life, and list the issues they’ve helped you deal with. Reflect on these mentors in your discussion. Were the relationships intentional mentor relationship? Did you seek the mentor out? Was it professionally arranged? What perspectives or advice have carried forward in your professional and personal life?

Prepare a formal agreement and meet with a potential mentor. Draft a statement about what you hope to gain from the mentor.

Create a discussion about your professional development plan by answer the following questions:

What gifts and skill do you possess?

Where are your deficits?

What are you passionate about?

How did you get where you are?

What’s your ideal job?

Where do you want to live?

What are your target companies?

Ask a couple of trusted colleagues to describe what they think you are best at doing, especially in a leadership role. Then ask them to tell you where you could use some coaching. At the same time, write down what you perceive your strengths and deficits to be. Did your perceived strengths and weaknesses match those that your colleagues identified? Pay attention to discrepancies as areas for further focus.

How does your current resume differ from the first one you created out of college? Ask a colleague or mentor to critique your resume and reflect upon ways to improve it. Do you consider the resume to be a living document that captures your greatest strengths?

Go to a professional or social reception. Look at the list of attendees in advance and identify people you would like to meet. After you attend the event, reflect on the experience. What did you gain? Was the experience helpful?

Prompt 4

Effective leadership is a prime determinant of work satisfaction. The presence of strong leadership sets the tone for achievement in the work environment. How do you think the work environment can be helped by a strong leader, and how do you think it can be hindered by a weak or ineffective leader?

Provide 2 resources to each prompt.

Prepare a formal agreement and meet with a potential mentor and draft a statement about what you hope to gain from the mentor.
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