Discuss the general idea that just because two variables are correlated, one does not necessarily cause the other and provide an example.

Question 1 (Total 1 point)
For questions below, select the correct answer among those provided:
1. In a baseball game, the correlation between obtaining hits and scoring runs was found to be +0.74. This could be interpreted to mean that:

1) Teams that obtain more hits tend to score more runs

2) Teams that obtain more hits tend to score less runs

3) There is no clear trend for obtaining hits to scoring runs

2. In a baseball game, the correlation between striking out and scoring runs is -0.03. This could be interpreted to mean that:

1) Teams that strike out more often tend to score more runs

2) Teams that strike out more often tend to score less runs

3) There is a negligible relationship between striking out and scoring runs

3. In a baseball game, the correlation between obtaining hits and scoring runs is +0.74. This correlation is best described as:

1) Weak

2) Moderate

3) Strong

4. In a baseball game, which statement is true about the correlation between obtaining hits and scoring runs (+0.74)?

1) 74% of runs scored can be explained by the number of hits obtained

2) There are 74% more hits obtained than runs obtained

3) The average hits obtained is 54.8% higher than the average runs scored

4) 54.8% of runs scored can be explained by the number of hits obtained

Question 2 (0.5 point)
Discuss the general idea that just because two variables are correlated, one does not necessarily cause the other. Provide an example (other than ice cream and crime or forest fires).

Question 3 (1.5 point)
See the attached data file. You will use the Excel Analysis and Correlation Analysis Functions for this question using the attached data.

The two variables of interest are:

Books — The number of books that the respondent currently owns.

Education – Years of education that the respondent has completed.

For resources to calculate Pearson’s coefficient using Excel, see:
Excel data analysis function: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8a_etQN-qso • Excel PEARSON/CORREL function: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ev86DMtLX0k

Answer the following questions:
1) What is the level of measurement for Books and Education?

2) Calculate the Pearson’s correlation coefficient using Excel. Is there a relationship between these variables? Is it positive or negative? What is the strength of the relationship?

3) Calculate the coefficient of determination. Interpret it.

4) Calculate the coefficient of non-determination. Interpret it.

5) Is it true that if we want individuals to attend graduate school, we should just deliver thousands of books to their doorstep? Why or why not?


Discuss the general idea that just because two variables are correlated, one does not necessarily cause the other and provide an example.
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