Discuss the issues arising in the use of this technology for the routine quantitative measurement of serum protein hormones in the clinical laboratory.

Proteomics for protein hormone measurement

Formative and summative assessment
Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry has become the gold standard for analytical measurements of small molecules such as steroid hormones. In recent years, this methodology has become widely used for quantitative analysis of serum steroid hormones in a clinical laboratory setting. However, measurement of protein has been problematic.

Discuss the issues arising in the use of this technology for the routine quantitative measurement of serum protein hormones in the clinical laboratory.

In your write-up you need to use the research articles provided and others, together with examples of specific protein hormones (other than growth hormone) in order to discuss the following specific challenges:

1. Many hormones exist not just as a single structure but exist as isoforms. These may have different molecular weight, may vary in the modifications to side-chains such as
glycosylation) and may exist in monomeric or dimeric forms

2. Enzymatic cleavage is often required prior to analysis

3. Extraction is required prior to analysis

4. The clinical requirements in terms of time and sensitivity

This report is not a review of mass spectrometry technology. It is about the application of this technology to the clinical situation. Word limit: 1500 words

Discuss the issues arising in the use of this technology for the routine quantitative measurement of serum protein hormones in the clinical laboratory.
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