Conduct a literature review into the issues faced by the GTRSB community in accessing higher education, particularly within a Scottish context.

Essay: Individual Reflection on Experienc

An individual reflection on the students’ experience on the Social Responsibility pathway.

Task 1 – Conduct a literature review into the issues faced by the GTRSB (Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen and Boater) community in accessing higher education, particularly within a Scottish context.

Task 2 – Flesh out the previous report by selecting one or two themes to expand upon. Consider which themes might be considered as the most compelling barriers in accessing University for the group.

Consider expanding the conclusion section of the report to include recommendations to the University based on the findings (such as improvements that could be implemented, or worthwhile student support offerings that may benefit this group, etc.)

Task 3 – Prepare a presentation to be given virtually to Widening Access staff members, briefly summarising the report and highlighting the key findings and recommendations.

Conduct a literature review into the issues faced by the GTRSB community in accessing higher education, particularly within a Scottish context.
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