Prepare a presentation to be delivered during this event be clear what you want to cover during this first opportunity to address the students and parents.

Back to School

1.Mr. Barber is scheduled to host a back to school event in which he will be addressing
students and parents for the first time.

Prepare a presentation to be delivered during this event. Be intentional in what you want to cover during this first opportunity to address the students and parents. During this presentation you will need to identify a minimum of 3 key points to address.

2.Mr. Barber is preparing for a back to school 2day teacher inservice.
Prepare the following documents:

Introductory presentation to your new faculty/staff. Be intentional in what you want to share as this will be your first opportunity to meet with your entire faculty/staff.

Detailed agenda for the 2 days of inservice. What will you focus on during this 2
day inservice? Provide justification for your areas of focus.

Prepare a presentation to be delivered during this event be clear what you want to cover during this first opportunity to address the students and parents.
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