Write a research proposal on the Efficacy for Physical Activity Therapy on Improving the Cognitive Function and Cognitive Reserve for the Aging Population.

Research Proposal on the Efficacy for Physical Activity Therapy on Improving the Cognitive Function and Cognitive Reserve for the Aging Population

Research Question

The research question for the current research proposal will adopt a PICO format in answering the research question. The PICO question for the research proposal will state as follows.

In an elderly population above 65 years (P), how will an improved physical activity (I) compared to non-activity (C) improve the cognitive functioning for the elderly patients (O) for three months (T) of aerobic activities measured using the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)?

Write a research proposal on the Efficacy for Physical Activity Therapy on Improving the Cognitive Function and Cognitive Reserve for the Aging Population.
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