Discuss a civil liberty or right that has been constitutionally provided at the federal or even state level, that some feel may have been violated due to counter terrorism efforts since 2001.

Combat terrorism

Discussion: Examine the legal and ethical issues that arise when combatting terrorism. In a massive effort to combat terrorism, some feel that law enforcement, intelligence agencies, and the military have gone too far, and infringed on civil rights, in their zeal.

Discuss a civil liberty or right that has been constitutionally provided at the federal or even state level, that some feel may have been violated due to counter terrorism efforts since 2001. Identify the right, liberty, or freedom.

Explain what the violation may be, and which counter terrorism action you think causes that violation (legislation, an intelligence action, military action, police action, etc.). Give specific examples and use citations and references to support your answer.

Discuss a civil liberty or right that has been constitutionally provided at the federal or even state level, that some feel may have been violated due to counter terrorism efforts since 2001.
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