Listen to, and review link then provide two or three distinct comments/reactions to the content provided in this video.

Assignment on “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Detailed observations, reactions, comments and/or interpretations having to do with the short story “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Five videos to view/listen to, review and react to in this assignment: Read along with the spoken word (the video is 30 minutes long; full text of “Young Goodman Brown” has been provided.) Listen to this through to the end and note 3 or more things that HEARING the story showed you.

ALSO, WRITE WHAT YOU DID WHILE LISTENING TO THE READING (this last point, written in caps, is important to include). Theme, language and allegory in “Young Goodman Brown.” Provide two or three distinct comments/reactions to the content provided in this video. Hawthorne’s life in brief. Provide two or three distinct comments/reactions to the content provided in this video. To understand “YGB”. Watch this small part of a careful explanation – and watch all parts on your own if you like. Provide 2 or 3 distinct comments/reactions to the content provided in this video.

A 15 minute analysis of YGB: This recaps the story, gives background, and raises some ideas about it, presenting one approach to understanding its message. Provide 2 or 3 distinct comments/reactions to the content provided in this video.

Listen to, and review link then provide two or three distinct comments/reactions to the content provided in this video.
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