Discuss whether the criminal justice system is doing enough to address this cycle of victimization and offending.

Joanne Belknap chapters 7-9

As society has evolved, there has been increased recognition of certain acts that can be considered a crime—many of which females are largely victims of.

For instance, starting in the 1970s domestic abuse was legally recognized as a crime rather than a private family matter for which the criminal justice system could not interfere with, as it previously was.

With these legal advances, contemporary research is finding a strong trend where female offenders often have a history of abuse.

Using the readings from the textbook “the invisible woman gender, crime, and justice 4th edition by Joanne Belknap chapters 7-9 and two other credible sources, discuss the idea that women’s offending is underpinned by victimization.

You may discuss, but are not limited to, topics such as whether you agree that females are often victims before offenders and whether the criminal justice system is doing enough to address this cycle of victimization and offending.

Discuss whether the criminal justice system is doing enough to address this cycle of victimization and offending.
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