Pick and write about the concert Review Brainstorming/Notes On a Jazz Concert and consider how the objective qualities of the music are affecting your emotions.

Concert Review Brainstorming/Notes On a Jazz Concert

Assignment Part 1

The first essay will be a concert review. Pick a concert and write about it.

Must be a Jazz Concert. Subjective and Objective observations. Approximately one to two pages of notes.

This assignment is to complete the first step of our essay writing process.

Watch the performances and take notes. Attempt to recognize tonalities, time signatures, and form.

Also, record any observations or questions about the performance style, expression, and timbre of the artists.

Notice how the music makes you feel and consider how the objective qualities of the music are affecting your emotions.

Record any observations about the interaction between the performers and the audience, the atmosphere, and the general mood of the audience.

Your notes should be at least 2 pages of observations, thoughts, and ideas. This is a type of brainstorming activity and a collection of facts to use in your writing.

Pick and write about the concert Review Brainstorming/Notes On a Jazz Concert and consider how the objective qualities of the music are affecting your emotions.
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