Write a research paper on rewriting the below case discussing on Chronic Absenteeism and avoid plagiarism when presenting the research paper.

Chronic Absenteeism

Write a research paper on rewriting the below case discussing on Chronic Absenteeism and avoid plagiarism when presenting the research paper.

CASE:Introduction to the Problem 
Chronic absenteeism is an issue that has plagued the United States Educational System since the 19th Century (Jacob & Lovett, 2017).  This is an area of concern which many policies and programs have been placed to help encourage students to attend school.  An example of this is when a student has missed a certain amount of days, they are labeled as truant.  According to the Tennessee Department of Education, a student is “considered truant at five unexcused absences and may be subject to legal intervention” (2017).  Students must participate in an intervention program, and the parents will be charged with a misdemeanor charge.  If this  behavior continues to occur, students can ultimately face serving time in a juvenile detention facility, and the parents can be fined or sentenced to jail time as well (Gjelten, 2020).  Each state has different laws and policies on this issue that is impacting students across the nation, but it has been seen as a crisis that has yet to be extinguished in the American Educational System.

There are many consequences that have arisen from a student being chronically absent starting at an early age in grade school all the way to their secondary education such as high school.  There have been many studies conducted on this subject matter.  For example, in 2007 a study was conducted showing students who are chronically absent in kindergarten can be hindered in their academic performance in reading and math by achieving scores five points less than students who only missed 5 days or less (Romero & Lee, 2007, p. 3).This is crucial for students because these subjects are key building blocks to their educational careers as they prepare themselves for first and second grade.  An additional study showed students “who miss more than two weeks of school flunk, on average, at least two classes—no matter whether they arrive at high school with top test scores or below-average scores” (University of Chicago, 2007, p. 2)  As a result, this shows that the attendance of students in their freshman year of high school is crucial because it shows a direct correlation to their cumulative GPA and graduation chances by their senior year (Allensworth & Easton, 2007).   Nonetheless, this has been an issue for school systems for many years, but they are working tirelessly to try to resolve this problem of their student’s achievement rates.

Write a research paper on rewriting the below case discussing on Chronic Absenteeism and avoid plagiarism when presenting the research paper.
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