Choose one migratory circuit and write a report providing an historical and theoretical overview of the conditions around departure, transit, and/or arrival.

Imagine that the United Nations reached out to you–a sociologist with training in migration studies–to produce a chapter of the 2022 edition of the IOM’s annual volume, the World Migration Report.

The IOM already contracted scholars specializing in North America, so you must select a case entirely outside the US, Canada, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean.

Choose one migratory circuit between at least one sending and receiving migration state (though other states may also be implicated, given the way migratory processes unfold across various geographies).

Then write a report providing: 1) an historical and theoretical overview of the conditions around departure, transit, and/or arrival, 2) a demographic portrait of the population(s) in movement, 3) an examination of at least 3-5 key issues/challenges inhibiting safe and sustainable livelihoods in departure, transit, and/or settlement, 4) a set of recommendations to improve conditions, and 5) references in ASA format.

Choose one migratory circuit and write a report providing an historical and theoretical overview of the conditions around departure, transit, and/or arrival.
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